Children's Ministry

Resources from our Online Store

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Price: $169.95
Bible Lesson videos on 21 DVD's 21 Different Bible Topics - Not only children, but adults were captivated by the profound Bible messages taught from simple Bible Stories in this series filmed live in Kettle Falls Washington in 2012.

Learn the songs, enjoy nature pictures and sounds, watch the fascinating Digital Felts (wholesome & realistic graphics) which illustrate the Bible message.

*This set also includes a resource CD that has corresponding Coloring Pictures and Bible Study worksheets that you can print out over and over again.

This series is specifically designed to bring children security through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

The 21 DVDs include the following topics:

Something You Can Trust
The Great Rescue
The Origin of Selfishness
Our Best Friend
Standing out in a Crowd
The Horn of Our Salvation
The Rich Young Ruler
The Safe Path
Satan in Chains
Saul's Tragic Conversation
The End of Sin
A Clean Heart from Jesus
The Longest Math Problem
Cleaning God's House
Ten Times Wiser
The Mark No One Wants
The Battle over Freedom
Dangerous Places
Being Like Jesus
Messengers of Light
Heaven is for Real

Please remember that every purchase helps us move forward in producing even more quality materials and programs for God's special lambs.  Thank you for your support.

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