Learn...at the Shepherd's feet
How to be children's soul winner
You can be equipped and empowered to work more effectively in planting the seeds of truth in the children’s hearts.
Coming soon you will find here encouragement and help on how you can . . .
- Find the way to the root of the child’s needs and fulfill them through Jesus.
- Teach children the foundational truths of the Bible with Jesus uplifted in every doctrine.
- Find keys that make Sabbath School the children’s delight.
- Achieve discipline that yields more than outward compliance but obedience from the heart.
- Lead children to make decisions for Christ
- And much more. . . .
How can I get this help?
- Order our “Reaching Children for Christ” training DVD and manual by calling (509) 732-4477 or download a .pdf copy of the manual. (3.16mb) The price of the 6 part series on 3 DVD's is $49.95. The manual is 70 pages and sells for $14.95.
- Contact Us to Schedule a workshop in your church
- More information will be available online soon!
Experience the joy of reaching children for Christ with the transforming power of God’s Word and works. Do you want to see it? Do you want to hear it? Really how does it work?