As lambs, drawn by the shepherd's love find comfort in his arms and drink in the pure milk with delight so do children respond to the pure teachings of God's Word given by those who love them.
"Lovest Thou Me? Feed My Lambs"
Feeding His lambs Ministries provides practical hands-on training that inspires, educates, equips, and empowers workers to reach children for Christ through His Word.
NNEC Child Evangelism Training
Lisa Quade of Feeding His Lambs Ministries presented a training workshop at the conference headquarters in Westbrook Maine in February of 2024. The seminar covered practical skills and ideas to help make attendee's children's programs even more impactful.
If would like to enquire about having Lisa come to your area she can be reached on her cell phone at: 509-675-5100.
Website Projects
Our New Online Store is now up and running.
Check it out!
New products have been added such as the Digital Felt
Sanctuary Collection,
Lambs Milk Bible Story Books, and a
Memory Verse song book for Cradle Roll by Janet Sage. Additional new items coming soon!
New Programs

Bring the children for an excellent educational opportunity to learn how to achieve the full possibilities of health and happiness. Each child will not only visit 9 interactive health stations, but also design their own "Keys to Health" craft book and complete a fun "Passport to Health" booklet. They will discover how they can be ten times wiser by following the personalized suggestions of the their health instructor.
Learn more...
Publishing Projects
We are also working on making new "Little Lamb's Milk" childrens books as well completing several new coloring page books. In the new books we hope to cover stories such as the Birth of Jesus, Noah, Elijah, Samson, Jonah, and more.
Additionally we hope to have 2-3 new VBS programs available this year.
We have run the programs already, it is a matter of finishing off the little ends to make a complete program that can be reproduced.
Thank you in advance for your prayer and support of these projects.